Sump Pump Service and Replacement – When to Call Your Local Plumber

A sump pump plays a very important role as far as plumbing is concerned. It removes the water that accumulates in sump basins and is often the only safety measure keeping your house from flooding! As these pumps are usually installed in the lower levels of houses e.g. basements, they can be very tricky to monitor. Most homeowners forget all about them and don’t even think of maintaining them until their basements are completely flooded. To put an end to that practice, we’ve compiled a short list of signs that will help homeowners become more proactive as far as sump pump repairs are concerned. These signs often act as precursors to deeper, underlying problems so ignore them at your peril! 1. Foul Odor: If you smell a vile odor coming from your basement, there’s a high chance that your sump pump is in desperate need of repairs. By far, the most common reason of this strong smell emitting from the sump pump is the evaporation of water from its trap. This problem i...