Gas Leaks: How to Detect and Prevent a Leak

More than 73 million Americans use natural gas for commercial, industrial, and residential purposes. But unfortunately, gas leaks do occur and when they do, they can lead to disastrous consequences for both your health and property. In case you detect a leak, evacuate the premises immediately and contact the company’s emergency line. Here are some ways you can detect and prevent a gas leak. Symptoms of a Gas Leak Apart from rising gas bills due to gas escaping from appliances and lines, other signs include dead houseplants, smell of rotten eggs or sulfur, whistling sound near a gas line, bubbles in the water, and the appearance of white cloud or dust. Physical symptoms are numerous, some of which include: · Headaches · Feeling lightheaded · Difficulty in breathing · Fatigue and drowsiness · Dizziness · Eye and throat irritation · Nausea · Nosebleeds · Ringing in the ears · Pains in the che...