Garbage Disposal 101: What Not to Put in Your Garbage Disposal

It is possible to live without a garbage disposal. Manually disposing your food waste is an alternative, such as by throwing it in the garbage. However, that can be a chore. It’s much more convenient to dispose of your food waste in the same room in which you clean your dishes and cook your food. If you don’t want this convenience to ruin your house’s pipes, then you need a garbage disposal. These appliances grind your food waste into small bits that can’t clog your pipes. However, your garbage disposal can’t dispose of all your food waste. 1. Bones As a general rule, putting bones in your garbage disposal is not a good idea. A garbage disposal’s blades are designed to grind softer items. However, there is an exception to this general rule. A garbage disposal can still grind smaller bones, like those in fish. 2. Pasta and Rice Your garbage disposal can grind pasta and rice, generally without any negative consequences to your disposal’s blades. However, both pa...