Should you Drink Tap Water in Your Home with a Low pH?

Water with a pH (power of Hydrogen) value lower than 7 is classified as acidic water. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends keeping drinking water at a pH range of 6.5-8. This article will talk about whether you should be drinking water with a pH value lower than 7 and if there's a way we can remove it from our drinking supply. Risks and Side Effects of Acidic Water Zinc, lead, arsenic and chromium can all be found in acidic water . This can lead to metal poisoning, and that can be harmful to your health. The symptoms include: · Shortness of breath · Chills and weakness · Vomiting and nausea · Severe abdominal pain · Damage to your organs Damage To The Plumbing While acidic water is harmful to your health, it also does a lot of damage to the plumbing in your house. Because of its high acidity, low pH water can dissolve metal pipes and cause leaks. Blue-green stains on your faucets or in your sink and water that tastes lik...