Plumbing 101: Why Is Your Toilet Overflowing?

Though all plumbing problems can cause inconvenience, no other issue results in as much of a disaster as an overflowing toilet. Nearly all of us have experienced the dread that comes from a toilet refusing to flush. Instead of emptying, the water rises until it overflows and causes a nightmarish situation . This is when it's imperative to reach for your phone and call profe ssional plumbing services for help. However, it's just as important to understand why your toilet is overflowing. After all, this can prevent the problem from worsening by the time the help comes. You Have a Clogged Drain Clogged drains are one of the most common reasons why toilets overflow. This problem usually occurs when an individual attempts to flush things like toilet paper, napkins, feminine hygiene products, etc., down the bowl for some reason. However, when such items block the drain, it can prevent the water from flowing down when you flush. Since it can't go down and accumulates in the bowl,...