Signs that You Need to Repair or Replace Your Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are more than just an appliance used for the convenience of homeowners. They perform an all-important task of keeping scraps away from the landfill sites. When food is decomposed, it releases methane gas into the air which isn’t good for the environment. This shows how important garbage disposals are, not just for homes but for the environment at large.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of a failing garbage disposal and take measures accordingly to replace it when it is time.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, then you must call a plumber immediately and have your garbage disposal checked:

Funny Noises

One of the first signs of a failing garbage disposal is funny noises coming from it. If you ever slipped some non-food item into your garbage disposal, then you must be aware of what kind of noises can the garbage disposer make when the blades aren’t functioning properly.

Noises could mean that the components of the garbage disposal are somewhat misaligned and the appliance needs to be replaced.

Recurrent Resets

There is a reset button on all garbage disposals which helps them recover from an unusual situation, like dealing with large clogs or loads. However, if your garbage disposal is working efficiently, then you shouldn’t have to reset your garbage disposal frequently.

If you find yourself having to use the reset button at least once every day, then it means that your garbage disposal is wearing out and needs replacing.

Another reason why you could be experiencing this could be loose wiring, which you can only resolve by hiring a plumber.

Frequent Clogs

If you don’t dump large quantities of food down your garbage disposal, and still have to face frequent clogs, then there could be a problem with your garbage disposal.

Frequent clogs could mean that you need a higher capacity model or there’s a serious malfunction in your current one. In both cases, you need to have your garbage disposal replaced.

Foul Odors

Garbage disposals often have foul odors as they have to deal with wet food most of the time. However, these odors should go away once you wash down and clean everything up.

If the odors are persistent, then you should call a plumber and have your garbage disposal taken apart. There could be several particles stuck inside the machine, which could be causing the problem.

If you need a repair or a new garbage disposal in your home, then don’t make the same mistake that many DIY enthusiasts make. Save yourself the time, money and hassle and call Your 1 Plumber if you are based in Germantown.

They also offer water heater repair and replacements, along with all type of plumbing installations. 


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