Wonders Of Well Water Safety

15 million Americans have a private water source like wells, springs, and cistern. The water that you acquire from the municipal or public service provider is heavily treated for contaminants.  Private water sources don’t come under the jurisdiction of EPA, which is why you should approach your local health department to ensure water safety.

Let’s learn all there is about well water to make your water source safe and sustainable.

Types Of Water Well

Bored or Dug

10-30 feet of hole is dug into the ground to access water. It is then lined with stone and bricks to provide support to the structure.

Driven Wells

A pipe is driven 30 to 50 feet deep in to the ground to access aquifers. They are cased from the top, but can easily be polluted if the water source comes into contact with harmful pollutants.

Drilled Wells

Water source is reached by drilling thousand feet below the surface. They require casing installation and have a lower risk of pollution as the water source is extremely deep.

Parts Of Well

· Well casing is a tube-like structure that is installed to maintain the opening of the water source.
· Well caps are placed in order to secure the water from debris, animal, and contamination.
· A Well Screen prevents sediments from entering the water source.
· Jet Pumps are used to suction the water from the well to the house. They are used for wells that are 25 feet deep, whereas for deeper wells submersible pumps are used.

Tips For Well Location And Construction

Rainwater washes harmful bacteria and pollutants into the well therefore choose an area that keeps the rainwater away from the well.
Prevent surface runoff by adding slopes around the well.
Consult the local health and water well contractor regarding the best placement of the well.
Hire a licensed and insured well contractor.

Test Your Well Water

Ground water can be contaminated due to several reasons, you need to make sure that you maintain safe water quality for your well. Get your water tested from the local health department or a state certified laboratory.

Prevent Contamination

Install a well cap or a sanitary seal in the well.
Avoid use of pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers, and fuel around the well area.
Have the water tested if it smells, tastes, or looks strange.
Keep septic system away from disposal of harmful materials.
Get a professional to inspect and repair your pump and water well.
Test water after installation or repair of parts.

Advantages Of Well Water

$ 109 is allocated for water bills per month. Installing a water well means you no longer have to pay the municipal water providers.

Well water is free from harmful filtration chemicals like, chlorine and fluoride.
Well water tastes better and is healthier for consumption.
Due to lack of chemical treatment and natural filtration process water wells are good for the environment.

Is your water well safe for drinking? Maintain your well water quality with Your 1 Plumber filtration services. If you have questions about your well system then call 301-540-7586.


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