The Hard Water Woes of Maryland: Choosing a Plumbing Pipe

The great state of Maryland is facing a water crisis like no other as people in this state have to use hard water for washing and cleaning purposes. Most people don’t realize how serious this issue is simply because they don’t know much about harmful hard water can be.

To help shine some light on the topic, we’ve decided to compile a short guide that explains all you need to know about hard water. Join us as we discuss what hard water is, what its adverse effects are, and how using hard water applies to house plumbing systems.

What Is Hard Water?

Quick chemistry refresher for those of you who don’t know; hard water is water that has been polluted by calcium and magnesium salts. Generally speaking, salts (like bicarbonates and chlorides, etc.) of these elements can cause the water to develop highly unwanted properties. All caught up? Good, let’s continue.

One of the biggest misconceptions about hard water is that it’s toxic and should thus never be consumed as it can cause a variety of severe diseases and illnesses. This is simply not true because the human body can easily break down these salts, as the World Health Organization has clearly stated that it has no known adverse health effects!

However, the adverse effects of hard water become apparent when we look at the bigger picture. Unchecked usage of hard water can cause mineral deposits on pipes and fixtures resulting in poor performance of faucets and plumbing fixtures.

Statistical Report of Maryland:

The water crisis in Maryland becomes even grimmer when you take a closer look at the stats. The University of Maryland states that one third of the state’s residents rely on water from private wells for drinking. However, what people don’t realize is that 25% of these wells have coliform bacteria, 15% suffer from fecal coliform contamination and 5% even tested positive for E. Coli!

Choosing a Plumbing Pipe:

It’s clear from these facts and figures that people simply cannot rely on traditional pipes for their plumbing systems because of the hard water crisis. This is why we’ve compiled a list of suitable alternatives that could function satisfactorily in the great state of Maryland

1. Stainless Steel Pipes:

The best thing about steel pipes is that they’re mostly immune to the dangers of hard water corrosion. Furthermore, they’re incredibly durable and extremely aesthetically pleasing. That being said, stainless steel pipes are also the most expensive option on this list so only invest in them if your budget allows you.

2. Pex Pipping:

PEX pining has surged in popularity in recent years especially in residential plumbing systems. Even though this option has a high initial cost, PEX piping pays for itself over the years because of its unmatched durability and is, therefore, one of the safest investments you can ever make!

3. Copper Piping:

Copper is an element best known for its conductivity but pipes made from this material are also becoming popular these days. This is because copper piping is an affordable option and its resistance to adverse weather conditions mean that it’s built to stand the test of time!

If you live in Maryland and want to install these pipes in your house, we highly recommend getting in touch with Your 1 Plumber. The company has been in business for years and knows everything there is to know about residential, commercial, and industrial plumbing systems.

Armed with unmatched experience, the Your 1 Plumber team offers reliable plumbing installation and faucet repair and replacement services. Get in touch with the company today to take your indoor plumbing system to the next level!


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